
2019-11-12 16:33:42     浏览次数:1041次

be ahead of


He is well ahead of all the other students in English.

be angry with sb.生某人的气。

be angry at/about sth.因某事而生气。

①Don’t be angry with me for my being late?不要因为我迟到而生我的气。

②What are you angry about?你生什么气?

③He was angry at being kept waiting for so long.让他等了这么久,他很生气。

be certain…; be sure

be uncertain about意思是……不确定(没把握)


(1)be certain(sure) to do sth.“肯定会做……”(表示某事将要发生)。如:

He is certain(sure) to come next Sunday.

(2)be certain(sure) of/ about sth.“确信、有把握(表示某个人的思想状态)。如:

We are certain/ sure of victory.


It is certain that he will come.

be different from……不同

  Your idea is different from mine.  你的想法和我的不同。

对比:make sb./ sth. different from使某人/某物不同于……

  Her special accent makes her different from others.  她特殊的口音使她与众不同。

be familiar with,be familiar to

be familiar with的主语是有生命的事,意为某人对人、事熟悉be familiar to 的主语是无生命的事物,意为某人/事为某人所熟悉,对比:He is very familiar with the names of plants in English.他很熟悉植物的英语名称。Suzhou and Hangzhou are familiar to many foreigners.苏州和杭州为许多外国人所熟悉。

I’m not familiar with European history./European history is not familiar to me.我对欧洲历史不太熟悉。

注意:be familiar with/to   还表示精通、通晓

如:French is as familiar to him as English.他对法语就象对英语一样精通。

[应用] 一句多译这些事实是每个学生都熟悉的。她精通4种语言。

Key:①These facts are familiar to every schoolboy./Every shoolboy is familiar with these facts.

②She is familiar with four languages./Four languages are familiar to her.

be filled with = be full of 充满,装满如:

The bottle is filled with water .瓶子里装满了水。

注意:Filled with courage , he went into the cave .此处filled 表示充满了的指处于一种状态。

比较:be crowded with 挤满的,与be filled with 有所不同。如:

The room is crowded with guests.房间里挤满了客人。


Fill the bottle with sand .把瓶子装满沙子。

Fill in the blanks .填空。

be full of…→be filled with…充满

①The classroom was full of students.教室里挤满了学生。

②Her eyes were full of tears.她眼泪汪汪的。

be likely to 易于……;有可能的.  后跟动词不定式,往往用在一时的情形。

I shall be likely to catch cold if I go out tonight without my overcoat.如果今晚不穿大衣出去,我会感冒的。

  Is that magazine likely to interest you?  那本杂志对你有吸引力吗?

be of…结构小结

(1)be of + 表示年龄(age)、大小(size)、颜色(color)、重量(weight)、高度(height)、价格(price)、意见(opinion)、形状(shape)、种类(kind)和方法(way)等名词,说明主语的特征,of表示具有之意,有时可省去。例如:

They are both of middle height.他俩都是中等个儿。

When I was of your age, I was a teacher.当我是你这个年龄时,我当老师了。

These flowers are of different colors.这些花朵颜色不同。

Tom is of a different way of thinking.汤姆的思维方式与别人不同。

注意:此结构中,如果of后面的名词前有不定冠词a/an,则a/an=the same.例如:

The two boys are of an/the same age.这两个男孩同龄。

These bottles are of a/the same size.这些瓶子大小一样。

(2)be of + 物质名词,表示主语是由某材料制成或某成分构成,相当于be made of, be built ofbe made up of等。例如:

The necklace is(made)of glass.这项链是玻璃制的。

The bridge is (built)of stone.这桥是由石头构筑的。

Our class is (made up)of over 50 students. 我班有50多个学生。

(3)be of + 抽象名词(如value, importance,use, help等),of表示具有、具备等意思,of不能省,这一结构相当于be+该抽象名词相应的形容词。例如:

They are of great help/ very helpful to learners of English.他们对英语学习者来说是很有帮助的。

In fact, sports and games can be of great value/very valuable.事实上体育运动是很有价值的。

The book is of no use/useless to us.这书对我们无用。

It is of great importance/very important to study English.学习英语很重要。

因此,根据上述(1),(2)点可以看出,课文句中第一个be of 结构表示具有,第二个be of(承前省去be)表示……制成的。全句汉语意思为:硬币的大小、重量、形状可能各不相同,并由不同的金属制成。

be on

on 表明所处的状态,意为工作,在……服务可用be a member of, work for, belong to 替换。

I’m on the school team.我属于校队。

She is on Times newspaper.她在时代报社工作。


①Which team do you belong to ?Which team______you_____?

②She is a member of the city team.She______ ______ the city team.

Key: ①are,on ②is, on

be out; put out

be out (灯、火)熄灭,强调状态。 put  out 意为熄灭、扑灭,强调动作。如:

Is the fire out ?

Office workers tried to put out the fire, but it was impossible to control it.

be remembered as…作为……而被人们怀念

He will always be remembered as a national hero.

be seated

意为坐下=sit down,是正式用语,而sit down是非正式用语。

如:Please be seated, ladies and gentlemen.

be up to



What is he up to now?他现在在干什么?

He is up to no good.他没干好事。


It’s up to you to decide whether to go or not.是去还是不去由你决定。

It’s up to us to give them all the help we can.我们理应尽力帮助他们。


He is not up to his work.他不胜任他的工作。


up to now 直到现在

Between the hours of midnight and 6 a.m.the hurricane crossed the southeast corner of England with winds of up to 160km/h.从午夜时分到清晨6点之间,飓风横扫英格兰的东南角,风速高达每小时160公里。

because;because of


because是从属连词引导原因状语从句;而because of是一个合成介词,其后接名词、代词、动名词或what从句组成介词短语。如:

I went back not because of the rain,but because I was tired.我回去不是因为下雨,而是因为我累了。

Her face turned red because of what he said.他的话使她脸红了。

become experienced at……有经验

experienced adj.有经验的,老练的

be experienced in

He’s very experienced in money matters.

experience n.经验,体验(in(of)/doing

My father has ten year’s experience in teaching.

beeline n.两地之间的直线;捷径(指蜜蜂采蜜后径直飞向蜂房,这条路叫beeline

1make a beeline for sb./sp.走近路;走直路;向……直行

  As soon as the meeting was over, he made a beeline for the pub.会议一结束,他就直接上了酒吧。

  If you want to catch up with them, you’d better make a beeline for them.


2in a beeline 成直线地,笔直地

  The pupils went to the museum in a beeline.  孩子们直接走向博物馆。

believe in=trust/trust in)信赖;信任;信仰

  Tom is honest. I believe in him.  汤姆很诚实,我信赖他。

  He doesn’t believe in anybody in the world.  在这个世界上,他不相信任何人。

  We believe in socialism.  我们信仰社会主义。

①We believe in Marxism.

②You can believe in him.

③We believe in our government.

对比:believe sb.相信某人的话是真的。

I believe what he said this time though he often tells lies.尽管他经常撒谎,可这次我相信他的话是真的。

belong to属于

无被动结构,也不用进行时态。下列单词和词组也无被动形式:appear, disappear, happen, take place, break out等。

The house belongs to him.这所房子归他所有。The book belongs to my deskmate.这本书是我同位的。



I don ‘t want to go out for a walk. Besides, I’m feeling tired.



①Go about 200 metres beyond the house and you will find the hotel on the left.

②I want to buy a bag beyond these clothes.



blow hard(strongly)风刮得很大;blow away the leaves吹走树叶;blow down(over)trees 把树刮倒;blow in much dust吹进灰尘;blow off one’s hat吹掉帽子;blow out the candle吹灭蜡烛;blow open(风吹)开;blow up爆炸

用作名词,表示打击,一击。如:be a great blow to sb.对某人是个巨大的打击;give sb.a heavy blow on the head重重地打某人的头。


他妻子之死对他是一大打击。His wife’s death was _______ _________ ________ ______him.

我那顶帽子被风吹掉了。I _______my hat __________ ___________.  

风刮得厉害,门吹开了。The wind was ________ __________ and the door ________.

战士们把敌人的大桥炸毁了。The soldiers __________ __________the enemy’s bridge.

Key:①a ,great, blow, to     ②had, blown, off③blowing, hard, blew, open   ④blew, up



a block of ice/stone/wood 一大块冰/石头/木头;two blocks两个街区;a block in traffic/a traffic block交通堵塞。


be blocked by the heavy snow被大雪堵塞,block the entrance 堵塞入口;Block!(路标)此路不通!


道路被人群挤得水泄不通。The road_______ _______with crowds of people.

那家旅馆同这里隔着两条街。The hotel is __________ _________ __________.

他们用石块将洞口堵住。They ________ (up)the entrance to the cave with big rocks.

有人在妨碍我们实施计划。Someone is _________our plan.

Key:①was, blocked   ②two, blocks,away③blocked  ④blocking


1…times as…as“…………的几倍

Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲的大小是欧洲的4倍。

2…times +形容词/副词比较级+that:

The new building is four times higher than the old one.新楼比旧楼高4倍。

3…times+the size/height/length/depth+of…

The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.地球是月亮大小的49倍。

The ball is twice the width of our classroom.舞厅是我们教室宽度的2倍。


The production now is three times what it was ten years ago.现在的生产是10年前的3倍。


①After the new technique was introduced,the factory

produced_____tractors in 1988 as the year before.(MET’90)

Aas twice many   B.as many twiceC.twice as many    D.twice many as

②The population of China is_____than that of America.

A.larger five times  B.five times larger  C.five times as  D.as five times

Key:①C  ②B


①Knowledge begins with practice.知识来自实践。

②Let’s begin(this unit) with the words and expressions.咱们从单词和短语开始学(这个单元)。





如:Besides knowing some Greek,she was fluent in Italian.她除了懂些希腊语之外,意大利语也说得很流利。

Do you play other games besides tennis?除网球之外,你还进行其他的运动吗?

It wasn’t a good hotel;besides,it was very expensive.这不是一家好旅馆,况且房价也很贵。

Harrison had thought of everything except the weather.哈利森什么事情都考虑到了,惟独没有考虑到天气。

Under the soil there is nothing except/but sand.土壤下面只有沙子。

比较级 + and + 比较级

more and more countries 越来越多的国家;fewer and fewer students越来越少的学生;less and less time 越来越少的时间;more and more beautiful越来越漂亮;get thinner and thinner 变得越来越瘦;fly higher and higher 飞得越来越高;run more and more slowly跑得越来越慢,become stronger and stronger 越来越强大;





①More and more people realize the importance of learning a foreigh language well.

②The plane flew higher and higher until it was out of sight.


about,around,some,or so均可来表示大约。前三个词通常放在被修饰成分之前,而or so多置于其后。如:

about one hundred students大约100名学生;

at around eight o’cloch在大约八点钟;

some twenty years ago 大约二十年前;


Key:This piece of equipment weighs some 10 tons.

    This piece of equipment weighs 10 tons or so.

    This piece of equipment weighs about (around)10 tons.